Delegate from Cardiff: Coverage of the management of diabetes which covered all areas relevant in primary care.
Mr Paul Dromgoole - Diabetes
Delegate from Milton Keynes: I loved the whole talk: one of the best I have attended.
Dr Donald Hodge - Paediatrics
Delegate from Webinar: Excellent session presnented by a real authority on diabetic care who understands real life pracice.
Mr Paul Dromgoole - Diabetes
Delegate from Belfast: Very informative Felt speaker having knowledge of GP and Secondary Care Ophthalmology sectors was very helpful
Dr Andrew Partner & Co - Ophthalmology
Delegate from Kegworth: Practical points and take home messages
Dr Diana Mansour - Womens Health 2
Delegate from Webinar: Cardiology is one of my weakest areas of medicine and this talk was easy to follow and thoroughly interesting
Professor Ahmet Fuat - Cardiology
Delegate from Webinar: The webinar has given me a huge thirst to look into this subject further.
Tracy Ellis - Soft Skills
Delegate from Webinar: Brilliant presentation very informative and perfect information for working in Primary Care thank-you
Dr Diana Mansour - Womens Health 2
Delegate from Bayer Webinar: Brilliant informative presentation from both presenters. Thank you.
Professor Ahmet Fuat - Cardiology
Delegate from Webinar: This speaker is simply good in all aspects - content, presentation skills, relevance for GPs, and concise. Simply the best
Dr Yasmin Husain - Safeguarding